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1. Boolean Values

Meaning: Represents true or false in judgments, generally used in conditional tests.

a = True
print(10 < 5)
print(10 > 8)

# output
  • All non-empty values are considered True.
  • All empty sequences, empty numbers are considered False.

2. Logical Operators

Logical operators: Used to check if two or more conditions are satisfied.

Logical operators exist only in booleans.

Logical OperatorDescription
and ("logical and")Returns True if both operands are True.
or ("logical or")Returns True if at least one of the operands is True.
not ("logical not")Used to reverse the state of the operand.
expboolvalueReturn value === print(exp)
3 and 5True and TrueTrue5 *Evaluates from left to right, returns 5 when it reaches True (both need to be True)
3 or 5True or TrueTrue3 *Only needs one True, so stops at 3
0 or 5False or TrueTrue5 *Stops at 5 to satisfy the condition
3 and not 5True and FalseFalseFalse
0 and 5False and TrueFalse0 *0 and False are equivalent
s1 = {False, 0}
s2 = {0, False}
print(s1, s2)

# output
{False} {0}  # The set automatically removes duplicates - 0 and False are considered equivalent
In [5]: True and False or True 
Out[5]: True
# Evaluates the right side of and first, from right to left

In [6]: False or False or not False
Out[6]: True

3. Expression Application — Conditional Testing

  • Check if the current variable is equal to a specific value.
  • Compare the size of numbers.
  • Check if a specific value is in a sequence.

3.1 Multiple Conditions Checking

Use and to check multiple conditions.

age1 = 17
age2 = 18
print(age1 >= 18 and age2 >=18)
print(age1 >= 15 and age2 >=18)

# output

Use or to check multiple conditions.

age1 = 17
age2 = 18
print(age1 >= 18 or age2 >=18)
print(age1 >= 15 or age2 >=18)

# output
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Contributors: alexa-gui
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