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Numeric Type

AlexaOriginal...About 5 minPythonwebtypora

1. Characteristics of Numeric Types

In [2]: 1+1
Out[2]: 2

In [3]: 1+1.0
Out[3]: 2.0

In [4]: 9-1
Out[4]: 8

In [5]: 9-1.0
Out[5]: 8.0

In [6]: 2*2
Out[6]: 4

In [7]: 2*2.0
Out[7]: 4.0

In [8]: 9/3
Out[8]: 3.0

In [9]: # If one of the numbers is float, the result will be float (highest priority)

In [10]: # Division involves precision issues, so the result is a float


  • If one of the numbers is a float, the result will be a float (highest priority).

  • Division involves precision issues, so the result type is a float.

2. Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators: Used for arithmetic calculations.

+Addition operator1 + 1 = 2
-Subtraction operator2 - 1 = 1
*Multiplication operator2 * 3 = 6
/Division operator9 / 3 = 3.0
**Exponentiation operator2 ** 3 = 8
%Modulus operator, calculates remainder9 % 2 = 1
//Floor division operator, calculates quotient and removes decimal part9 // 2 = 4

Note: 9 / 2 = 4......1

3. A Little Practice: Numeric Transformation

Suppose you have a two-digit integer, and you need to generate two new numbers based on the following rules:

  • The first new number is the sum of the individual digits of the original number.
  • The second new number is the reversal of the original number (e.g., if the original number is 21, the reversed number is 12).

Write Python code to implement the above requirements.

a = 12
a0 = a // 10
a1 = a % 10
b = a0 + a1
c = 10 * a1 + a0
print(b, c)

# output
3 21


An integer num (10 ≤ num ≤ 99)


Two integers or an error message string.


Suppose the input number num is 91, then your code should output two numbers: 10 (sum of 9 and 1) and 19 (reversed form of 91).

Suppose the input number num is 26, then your code should output two numbers: 8 (sum of 2 and 6) and 62 (reversed form of 26).

Suppose the input number num is 18, then your code should output two numbers: 9 (sum of 1 and 8) and 81 (reversed form of 18).

4. Comparison Operators: Comparing the Values

>Checks if the first operand is greater than the secondprint(1 > 2)
<Checks if the first operand is less than the secondprint(1 < 2)
>=Checks if the first operand is greater than or equal to the secondprint(3 >= 3)
<=Checks if the first operand is less than or equal to the secondprint(3 <= 4)
==Checks if the two operands are equalprint(2 == 2)
!=Checks if the two operands are not equalprint(2 != 1)

Try the examples above and see the results?

print(1 > 2)
print(1 < 2)
print(3 >= 3)
print(3 <= 4)
print(2 == 2)
print(2 != 1)

# output

5. Assignment Operators

=Assigns the value on the right to the variable on the lefta = 1
+=a += b is equivalent to a = a + ba += 10
-=a -= b is equivalent to `a

= a - b |a -= 10 | |*= |a *= bis equivalent toa = a * b |a *= 10 | |/= |a /= bis equivalent toa = a / b |a /= 10 | |**= |a **= bis equivalent toa = a ** b |a **= 10 | |//= |a //= bis equivalent toa = a // b |a //= 10` |

a = 1
a += 10
a -= 10
a *= 10
a /= 10
a **= 10
a //= 10

# output 
0.0 # Division results in a float
Code Example
# Assignment operator form
a = 1
a += 10
print(a) # Outputs 11

# Regular form
a = 1
a = a + 10
print(a) # Outputs 11

7.3.1 Sum and Difference of Numbers:

Write a Python code snippet that creates two numbers a and b, calculates and prints their sum and the result of subtracting a from b.

Code Template

a = 10
b = 5
Sum = a + b
Difference = a - b
print(Sum, Difference)
# Test
assert Sum == a + b
assert Difference == a - b

Output Example:

Sum: 8
Difference: 2

7.3.2 Multiplication and Division of Numbers

Write a Python code snippet that creates two numbers x and y, calculates and prints their product and division result.

Code Template

x = 10
y = 5
product = x * y
division = x / y
print(product, division)

# Test
assert product == x * y
assert division == x / y

Output Example:

Product: 12
Division: 3.0

7.3.3 Remainder and Power Operation

Write a Python code snippet that creates two numbers m and n, calculates and prints the remainder of m divided by n and m raised to the power of n.

Code Template

m = 10
n = 5
floor_div = m // n
power = m ** n
print(floor_div, power)

# Test
assert remainder == m % n
assert power == m ** n

**Output Example:

Sure, here's the translation of the provided text into English in Markdown format:

**Code Exercise: Comparisons**

Remainder: 1
Power: 81

7.3.4 Comparison Operations

Write a Python code snippet that takes two numbers p and q as input, compares their sizes, and prints the corresponding result (greater than, less than, equal to).

Code Template

p = 10
q = 5
if p > q:
    print(p, " is greater than ", q)
elif p < q:
    print(p, " is less than ", q)
    print(p, " is equal to ", q)

if ______:
    print(f"{p} is greater than {q}")
    assert p > q
elif ______:
    print(f"{p} is less than {q}")
    assert p < q
    print(f"{p} is equal to {q}")
    assert p == q

Output Example:

4 is less than 5
Last update:
Contributors: alexa-gui
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